Collaborative Piece
In the Arts Faculty, life is hard, it is tough, oh yes, it can be the most exacting time of your life, dear undergrad!
Under the very critical scrutiny of Arts Faculty undergrads, fashion faux pas are never forgiven. I kid you not. Fashion mistakes will be mercilessly and dilligently noted and remembered. You will always be enslaved beneath the ceaseless glare of your fellow undergrads. You will be the butt of many a cruel joke. You will be the laughing stock and the sacrificial lamb for all your only-somewhat-more-fashionable peers. They will be relieved and grateful you came along, for you obliterate their fashion mistakes, make theirs pale in comparison but they won't show their gratitude. They will stare and poke fun at you and make scathing remarks about you when your back is turned.
But, neither fear nor fret, after all, you do want to enjoy uni life, don't you? Although you can't alter your physical attributes, (cosmetic surgery has proven quite helpful for some here in ARTS, but this should only be a last resort--it'll blow a hole in your pocket!!), you don't definitely have to wallow in self-pity and avoid all human contact. You can still enjoy being in uni. You can still be yourself and have friends. You can still survive the formidable scrutiny of the campus fashion police. Either ask the style experts or follow this guide (recommended) .
We do not discriminate. All are welcome. And so...
The Guide in sections :
Getting Around NUS Hostel Living
People Politics Academic Matters